Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles


Claire Chevallier enseigne le PIANOFORTE au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles


Il est possible de suivre un MASTER (niveaux 701-702) de pianoforte . 



Le  MASTER de Pianoforte  permet aux pianistes ou aux clavecinistes déjà titulaires d’un Bachelor ou d’un Master de se spécialiser dans la pratique historiquement informée des pianofortes viennois du 18ème siècle et pianos du 19ème siècle.


Le Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles possède:

_ une copie de Stein ( 1786) réalisée par Chris Maene
_ une copie de Walter ( 1795-1800)  réalisée par Chris Maene
_ une copie de Fritz ( 1814) réalisée par Detmar Hungerberg
_ un Pleyel original de c. 1850 


L’examen d’entrée a lieu en général dans la dernière semaine de mars de chaque année, et/ou la première semaine de septembre.
Voir les sites d’information:



Hungerberg / Fritz 1814



De gauche à droite: Hungerberg / Fritz 1814 et Maene / Walter 1795-1800


Pleyel original de 1850
Restauration: Pierre Gevaert



Stein 1786 replica by Chris Maene

AEB-Master Class Series




The idea to organize a yearly master class arose from an assessment of the current status of early music education. Curricula and workshops devoted to ‘Early Music’ are being offered by several institutes, allowing for specialists to pass on their knowledge to a new generation of musicians. While the domain of early music – usually stretching from medieval to 18th-century – is at the center of attention, music from later era’s is usually left out. This is the domain Anima Eterna Brugge has been exploring for over 25 years. As much joy as it has given us to aggregate and internalize these skills and practices, we feel it would be at least equally gratifying to share them and pass them on to the musicians of the future.


Fortepiano: Jos van Immerseel & Claire Chevallier
Violin: Brian Dean
Clarinet: Lisa Schklyaver

More instruments in 2016! / education

masterclass 2015 (3) masterclass 2015 masterclass 2015 (2)

Rumour has it that this is the place to find out more about French pianist Claire Chevallier. Rumours are mostly correct. Perhaps you also heard she has a passion for Erard fortepianos. It's true. Check her collection. One could say she is into the arts, all arts. Well, she's an artist herself and she loves working with colleagues, in music, in theatre, in dance, in visuals arts. Check her projects. And should you get curious, there's plenty of opportunities to see her live at work. No need to wait to enjoy her music though. It's right here. Enjoy.


Go to 'concerts' in the top menu to view Claire's agenda in the upcoming days, weeks and months.